September 11, 2007


I've always suspected that Jason would make a great father, because of the kind of husband he is. In fact, one of the reasons why our Storey didn't start till now was because I wanted to be just "We" and enjoy him all to myself.

All through the pregnancy, he was supportive, understanding, involved. Ask Jason about anything pregnancy related and it's likely he'll have read a book or article, subscribed to a mailing list, polled our child-weathered friends, etc. already about it and could offer up an amazingly rounded, informed perspective.

He cared for me and cried at my pain during labor. Though I had thought it better that he never see what happened to my body during birth, instead he sat right next to Dr. Mikol at the end of the bed, telling me over and over that I was strong and that I could bring our daughter into the world. He was right.

He is awake with me throughout the night, and cared for us non-stop every day of this week. I've seen him weep more in the past 4 days than in our 5 years together. He loves her so much. He loved her from the moment we found out we weren't going to be just We anymore. It makes me love him even more - if that were at all possible.

Thank you Jason.

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