July 10, 2007


Okay, now that the bean is so big, people, total strangers, are being exceptionally kind.

This morning, in lovely downtown Lakewood, I was wandering back to what I thought was our black VW. But in Lakewood there are many VWs and we all like to travel in packs and park near each other, so mid-crossing-the-street I figured out that the one ahead was someone else's car and ours was actually parked behind me on the curb. A man likely in his 50s came up to me as I waddled back to the sidewalk and asked me, "Are you okay?" I replied yes and gave a brief explanation about the whole car confusion thing. He smiled and said, "Well, you have a good excuse (gesturing to the bean). I just noticed you were pregnant there and just wanted to make sure you didn't need any help or anything". I thanked him and as he walked away he turned and ended with, "I wish you and your baby a very safe birth and hope he or she will go on to do great things." Well. How often do you hear that from a total stranger? All I can say is Lakewood has always offered us exceptional neighbors, and a warm sense of community, but being preggo with the bean here has opened up a whole new world of swell-ness. It makes me excited that she'll live amongst all these good people (and of course incur the added bonus of a multitude of those fine, compact German automobiles).

July 04, 2007

Magic Ice Cream

What has:

0g Total Fat
0g Saturated Fat
0g Trans Fat
0mg Cholesterol

Tastes like delicious goodness AND gives you

12% of your daily Fiber and
10% of your daily Protein?

Mmmmm... Magic Ice Cream
Jason and I are in love (with this product) (oh, okay...and each other).

This stuff is a pregnant lady's dream. I even checked the ingredients to see what weird chemicals I was feeding the bean and there weren't really any terribly bad ones.

Thank you Breyers. You rock.

July 03, 2007


31 weeks.
the bean is huge.
how much bigger can she get?