November 27, 2007

Sideburns Baby!

Ahh, the holidays...
Just when things are approaching normalcy (sleep, eating, smiles), family visits, visiting family, car rides and late night bedtimes throw a baby's life into delightful chaos. I do mean delightful though. Sure, I have a cold, am back to feeding every 1.5 hours around the clock, grabbing 45 minutes chunks of sleep at night, and sigh in resignation at our whiny girl who only wants Mama lately - however...

The trade-off: the pleasure of watching Jason's mom coo back and forth with our girl, spending time getting to know his cousin's teenage daughter and her tattooed & pierced boyfriend, helping oneself to two pieces of Uncle Dylan's awesome pecan pie (yum dammit!), and sharing baby photos of Uncle Wes around the table at his 16th birthday party.

The latter happened really fast... when did he become this furry young man?

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