November 12, 2007

Big, Big Things

Bath photos must be shared. They are so happy. We LOVE the bath. There's lots of grinning and laughing and cheery conversation going on in there every evening. It's a party.

On a more prickly note, today was Storey's two-month checkup at the doctor's. She got her first round of shots. I cried. So did she. But at least I negotiated the number from six down to three. It was sad. But we both got over it, indulging in an afternoon of just napping and nursing. Could we have had a better excuse?

The rest of the doctor's visit was super though. Storey got to share with the doc all the big girl things that she can do. She impressed the hell out of everyone. Holding her head up, grabbing at things, wiggling, sucking fist, staring at fist while it zooms in and out via arm, standing, tracking moving objects and people, whipping head around to follow mama and her voice where ever she goes, babbling and smiling and laughing away at everyone. These are all signs of absolute genius at two months, of course.

Never mind that she needs assistance washing her bum. She's well on her way to big, big things. Right after her bath.

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