November 08, 2007

Lucky Ducks

Yesterday was really grand. First Storey gifted me a 35-minute scream-free car ride out to my folks' house. Then she bestowed lots and lots of smiles, grins and dancing on my mom, who of course can't get enough. A peaceful nap followed while the two of us enjoyed a nice lunch and chatted. Next we headed off to my dad's workplace, where the girl smiled and flirted with the wonderful ladies he works with.

But best of all was the visit with my Grandma; Storey's Great Grandma. (What a lucky duck - she actually has three Great Grandparents!)

My Grandma Ginny is 85. She lives with my Grandpa about 5 minutes from my folks' house. She is one swell lady. Anytime we were sick as kids she'd stay with us, fix us her famous pot roast or Apple Betty, or my brother Dylan's favorite, cottage cheese on toast with black pepper sprinkled on top. We'd watch Price Is Right, then her "stories" and when we'd feel up to it, she'd play a rousing game or two of Aggravation and beat our pants off every time. She's a lady of many hugs and by example has taught us that often it's best to just have a good laugh over whatever life might bring. She has Alzheimer's now, but that didn't keep her from remembering Storey, and in turn, my girl saved the biggest smiles, best stories, and happiest coos for her Great Grandma. The two of them sat chatting for longer than I've ever seen Storey do before. I couldn't bring myself to post the photos of my Grandma gazing at my baby's face while she slept sweetly on her lap. It's a memory I'll keep close however, and share with her when she's older.

The ride home and a last minute trip to the grocery store were fussy-free as well. We couldn't have asked for a better day. Our girl's growing up. It's something to see her start to take in the world - and give back to it as well.

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