August 10, 2007

Bad Blogger

I know, it's been a while since the last post. We're just in waiting mode and sometimes it feels like there's not a lot to say other than that. 37 (or is it 38 now?) weeks and counting. We had an awesome baby brunch with friends and family here at the house a few weeks ago. It was more like a party than a baby shower, with Jason's waffles, fritatas and mimosas and incredible live jazz courtesy of Gene's Jazz Hot. A breezy, shady, happy morning. And of course, my mom sent everyone home with a plant for their garden or home, with this little diddy inserted into the soil that says it all.

These weeks have been some of the most content that I can remember, despite the obvious discomforts of having a giant baby riding in the front seat of my body. Summer has been very good to us.

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