July 10, 2007


Okay, now that the bean is so big, people, total strangers, are being exceptionally kind.

This morning, in lovely downtown Lakewood, I was wandering back to what I thought was our black VW. But in Lakewood there are many VWs and we all like to travel in packs and park near each other, so mid-crossing-the-street I figured out that the one ahead was someone else's car and ours was actually parked behind me on the curb. A man likely in his 50s came up to me as I waddled back to the sidewalk and asked me, "Are you okay?" I replied yes and gave a brief explanation about the whole car confusion thing. He smiled and said, "Well, you have a good excuse (gesturing to the bean). I just noticed you were pregnant there and just wanted to make sure you didn't need any help or anything". I thanked him and as he walked away he turned and ended with, "I wish you and your baby a very safe birth and hope he or she will go on to do great things." Well. How often do you hear that from a total stranger? All I can say is Lakewood has always offered us exceptional neighbors, and a warm sense of community, but being preggo with the bean here has opened up a whole new world of swell-ness. It makes me excited that she'll live amongst all these good people (and of course incur the added bonus of a multitude of those fine, compact German automobiles).

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