August 16, 2007


This photo is funny to me for two reasons. First of all, it illustrates the recent fun-ness of how I always seem to have a breezy gap between my pants and the bottom of my shirt (sexy).

Secondly, look at Max. Staring at the bean. He has been freaking out this week. Constantly barking, sulking, moping, giving me the cold shoulder, cuddling with Jason in excess as if just to spite me. And on Sunday, for the first time since we first found out we had a bean on the way, he peed on the floor upstairs. In addition, he also dug out a bar of Burt's Bees Buttermilk Baby Bee soap from the changing table up there and ate it and 3/4 of its box, leaving the other 1/4 as evidence on our bed, just to make a statement. His items-o-destruction have always been so intentional... (my passport two weeks before I was due to leave the country, my bra before a date, a whole packet of birth control pills, three of Jason's books when he first moved in, 5 remote controls back when I actually watched T.V. on a regular basis, etc.) What are we going to do with this big baby when the one on the way arrives? Man, I really hope he loves her to pieces.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First of all, you look great there! I also like the belly in the black and white outfit. Sexy! Secondly, that's nuts about Max. He knows you very well. Crazy how we communicate with our bodies than we know. Congrats on your art too! Can't wait for the updates! XOXO! Melissa