September 09, 2007


Well, still no kid. I've been having full, intense contractions all weekend. We even had an hour's worth, 1 minute long, 5 minutes apart last night, which is when you're supposed to pack it up and head to the hospital. But something told me though that it still wasn't time - and it wasn't. The contractions fizzled into the night...kindly allowing me to get some sleep instead.

Here's why I'm extra glad we didn't go to the hospital. Had we gone, they might have witnessed the slowing down of contractions and recommended a prostaglandin insert to ripen or soften my cervix. Not only does this intervention often lead to other types of intervention but HERE'S THE GROSS PART: apparently that med. is made of pig semen.

Sorry, but that's very gross...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad I didn't know that when they gave it to me! I hope today's the day.