August 12, 2008


This past Sunday the three of us went to the Zoo for the first time. It was swell. Storey, who is a big fan of horses, horse noises, etc. got her first peek at an elephant (horse) and a giraffe (horse). There was lots of pointing, excited wiggling and horse pbbbbbbttt pbbbbbbbting to be had by all.

The next day at a garage sale, much to Storey's extreme joy, we found George, the giraffe. A new best friend to Bob and doll, La La. Pbbbttt, pbbbbttttt. George is now often selected for nap time as seen here.

My question: when did our baby become a toddler? She fell asleep on top of me. Her head on my shoulder and her feet somehow dangling all the way down to my kneecaps. How can that be?

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