June 14, 2007

Girl Power

My whole life has been filled with boys. Two brothers, my neighborhood playmates growing up, most of my friends as a young adult. My dog, my husband, etc. Synopsis: I like boys.

So when, as part of my graduate program, I was told that my teaching apprenticeship would be at an all girls school, I was a little wary.

That apprenticeship turned into a lead teaching position and I quickly discovered that I actually loved spending my days with girls. For Pete's sake, I'm a girl!

The first year I taught, two of my students made a t-shirt for me at the end of the year. I wear it to bed all the time. So, I looked down this morning to see all their little faces on my big belly and thought, "Hey now, that's blog-worthy." Here's why: I've loved spending my days each year with these girls so much, that my heart has broken each June when I have to say goodbye. Their stories, their crafty, articulate hands, their laughter, their interests and the way they share them, celebrate them, celebrate themselves. It's magical, and it's different than with boys. Last week, I wept when I said goodbye to this year's girls, realizing that it may be the last time I spend my days with girls, for a while. But then it occurred to me, that special magic... we're about to have some of that - all of our own. In our home. In our lives every day. And I get to enjoy her, for the rest of my life. How absolutely fabulous.

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