October 26, 2008

Back Log

I'm so behind with the Blogging. On the internets.
The last post was from over a month ago and features my baby's naked butt - outside.
It's not even warm out anymore.
It's freezing outside.
Her butt would freeze.

So the inevitable course of action: Thursday, I quit one of my jobs. Hey, we can go without beer. And eating out. Ever. I'm my own barber now too. But it doesn't matter. Besides, my hair looks surprisingly good.

The thing is, the dogs are dogs, they bark and might wake the kid. The kid who sometimes doesn't even attempt a nap anyways. The same kid recently needs 1,000 hugs for each newly erupting tooth and regularly wants held or nursed all day to ease her misery. And my husband. He deserves a clean house, clean underwear, a meal ready upon arriving home and a tearless weekend once in a while. The work-at-home gig was stressing me out. Every moment of freetime sacrificed, Storey asked to play by herself way more than I'm all that comfortable with, the housework neglected to the point to the point of grossness. It became such a drag. So I'm done. Done working from home.

As testament to my (our) liberation, here's all the swell stuff that occurred even while life has been a little lumpy:

Friend Celia!

Bath (ahhhh...)

Papa and pumpkins!

Family tree (Storey, Grandpa and Grandma)

Baby airplanes at the beach.

Friend Sam at the Zoo!


Mama Boo said...
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Mama Boo said...

Thanks for including C, I say good for you for quitting one of your jobs! You deserve sometime to breath!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see you are blogging again. I like getting updates on the family and my niece. Good for breathing is important.

Anonymous said...

Or... good for you, breathing is important.