October 11, 2007


Yesterday, in the middle of napping, our doorbell rang. On our front porch I found a nice lady with an even nicer offering - a giant bouquet of fruit! It was astounding, and, I felt, most definitely photo worthy. (Inside was a head of lettuce, surrounded by kale! This has to be the most ingenious edible gift ever.)

The card wished Storey a happy one month, congratulating Jason and I for weathering it with her. This from fabulous mama, May. She has this way about her, just laying low and then thinking of just the right thing to do or say. Her son is about to turn one, so she's freshly aware of what the first month can bring for new parents.

All I have to say is, fruit rocks. Storey thought so too (flailing about a short time after I ate some).

It's amazing how lucky we are to have such incredible friends. A month after her birth and people are still dropping by with little outfits, hats, things they saw at the store and had to get for Storey. She's like a kindness magnet. I ran out of thank you cards weeks ago.

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