November 15, 2008


About four weeks ago, I took this photo, knowing it was likely the last gums-only photo we'd get. Look at that smile... (wait, if there are no teeth, is it still a smile?) (yes! of course it is!)

Storey had no teeth until she was about 13 months old. Then, in the last three weeks she's gotten her bottom two and top right teeth all one right after another. This week the next two teeth on the bottom and the left top tooth is making their way. Let's just say there's a lot of extra nursing and crabbiness due to lack of sleep going on in our house.

I've wondered lately if the way a kid gets their teeth is premonitory of how they'll do other things in life. Will Storey delay learning to drive until she's 29 and then become a cross country semi truck driver? Never pick up an instrument until she's 47, then proudly we'll sit at her Carnegie Hall debut?

Kids. What funny little people.

November 03, 2008


Today, another proud parenting milestone: I violated Storey's piggy bank.

I had good reason (sort of). My wallet is in Storey's bag, which is in the wayback of our car, which Jason drove to work and parked in a lot somewhere around East 32nd street. Which means that in addition to not having a car today, I have no money as well. Most importantly though (and this is the good part of the story), thanks to, I needed to ship these two lovelies to New Hampshire:

So I.O.U Storey. $2.19 (plus another $1.50 for a coffee on the way home because you woke up at 5, ohmygod5!!! again this morning.)

Love, Mama

November 02, 2008

Ah, ah, ah!

My parents have been cleaning out their attic. Some of the things up there I asked them to save. Like the Sesame Street Count Von Count doll from when Dylan was little (a zillion years ago). I figured, Storey doesn't watch T.V. and has no idea who he is, but who doesn't love the Count, right? We can make introductions with some snippets from YouTube and get counting. (My personal favorite: The Count counts Honkers.)

Well anyways, Storey LOVES the Count. She's borderline obsessed. We're now counting everything with the Count (one! one apple! one, two, three, four, five. five toes! one, two. two puzzle pieces! ah, ah, ah!).

Jason caught some Count-love on tape about a month ago and only just today did I have time to convert it. Check it out: one. one Storey Rain! ah, ah, ah!

November 01, 2008

Braauck, Braauck, Boo-aaack!

There's nothing scarier than a chubby chicken...

running a muck at the zoo...

just before devouring a plate of mashed potatoes.
(mmmmmm... potatoes.)