So much of early kiddom is about milestones. Our pediatrician tells us to watch for them, note them as signs of health and proper development. Like slow rolling stones, the months between sitting and moving can seem void of anything notable.

The two most common questions of Jason and I these past few months after "How old is she?" are "Oh, she's standing/crawling right?" and "So, how many teeth do we have?" The answer to both, at eight months and three weeks is still, "Nope." and "None." In fact, I've noticed myself lately heading these questions off at the pass with the admittedly odd introduction of, "She's almost nine months, noteethyetandnotcrawlingeitherjustbusydoingotherthings."
[There, that's out of the way.]
But, in fact, she
is busy doing other things.
We're busy doing other things. Somewhere along the line, Jason and I just stopped waiting and watching for teeth and four-legged forward motion. She's close to both, and when met, those milestones will be exciting, but...
just having fun together is so much better than waiting for stones to roll.