August 29, 2007

Ha Ha

This man is going to be a dad...(and a really, really, good one I might add)

August 28, 2007

One Half Of We

Well we've had a birth (of sorts). Jason plays drums for Mike Uva and Hook Boy. Their CD, Static Songs, was released last week. It's the best yet. The bean agrees. She's enjoyed many hours of basement rehearsal in utero. It will be a staple for our living room dance parties together, I'm sure. Check it out, buy it, etc. at:

Testing Our Non-Stress

Well, for the past week I've had no energy. Zilch. Which is a first, so I took notice. And, the bean isn't moving as much as she always has. So yesterday, when we went for our weekly OB appointment, I mentioned our apparent lack of enthusiasm for being awake. The doc hooked me and the bean up to two big, stretchy belts with disks underneath them, squeezing her tight, tight, tight. Her little heartbeat started causing mountains and valleys on the printout that steadily flowed out of the top of the machine. As she left the room, the nurse said we were looking for 2 movements (and thus an increase in heart rate) within the next 10 minutes. The bean immediately started flipping out, skooching around, trying to get out from underneath the belts. The kung fu hands and feet were flailing. When the doc showed up at the 6 minute mark, the bean had already revved her heartbeat way up 4+ times. So all is fine with the bean. She's just thinking. About when to come out.

August 17, 2007

Racing The Bean

I've been racing. My opponent weighs in at 6.5 - 7 lbs and is only about 18 inches long, but we're neck and neck. Each week for the past three, I've been painting like a mad woman, trying to get material into the gallery and online before the bean gets here and places things on hold.

I'm proud to say that I now have my own online store on (It's called We & The Bean!) with actual art for sale. It's pretty exciting, though we'll see if people want my silly cows, sheep and dogs. You never know.

August 16, 2007


This photo is funny to me for two reasons. First of all, it illustrates the recent fun-ness of how I always seem to have a breezy gap between my pants and the bottom of my shirt (sexy).

Secondly, look at Max. Staring at the bean. He has been freaking out this week. Constantly barking, sulking, moping, giving me the cold shoulder, cuddling with Jason in excess as if just to spite me. And on Sunday, for the first time since we first found out we had a bean on the way, he peed on the floor upstairs. In addition, he also dug out a bar of Burt's Bees Buttermilk Baby Bee soap from the changing table up there and ate it and 3/4 of its box, leaving the other 1/4 as evidence on our bed, just to make a statement. His items-o-destruction have always been so intentional... (my passport two weeks before I was due to leave the country, my bra before a date, a whole packet of birth control pills, three of Jason's books when he first moved in, 5 remote controls back when I actually watched T.V. on a regular basis, etc.) What are we going to do with this big baby when the one on the way arrives? Man, I really hope he loves her to pieces.

August 14, 2007

Whoa There!

Okay. Yesterday was our first internal exam. I'm pretty sure our doc stuck her whole hand, arm and shoulder up to the clavicle up there. THAT was unexpected to say the least. But the news: I am 50% effaced and she felt either two inches or two centimeters of the baby's head. I was too preoccupied with unclasping my hands from the table rails to hear the exact unit of measure with much accuracy. Regardless, she's on her way...

August 10, 2007

Bad Blogger

I know, it's been a while since the last post. We're just in waiting mode and sometimes it feels like there's not a lot to say other than that. 37 (or is it 38 now?) weeks and counting. We had an awesome baby brunch with friends and family here at the house a few weeks ago. It was more like a party than a baby shower, with Jason's waffles, fritatas and mimosas and incredible live jazz courtesy of Gene's Jazz Hot. A breezy, shady, happy morning. And of course, my mom sent everyone home with a plant for their garden or home, with this little diddy inserted into the soil that says it all.

These weeks have been some of the most content that I can remember, despite the obvious discomforts of having a giant baby riding in the front seat of my body. Summer has been very good to us.