Okay, I think this is pretty funny and it's baby related. Sort of.
Way back in the day, when Jason still lived in Burlington, VT, his band knew other bands and one of those bands was
Bag Of Panties. We have a few of their CDs. They're quite clever. Anyways on their CD,
Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day, is fabulous track 6, titled
Catastrophe. I'd like to think it's about the conception of George W. but, alas, the song predates awareness of that catastrophe.
Here's the first line, repeatedly sung throughout our house over the past few months:
And here's the entire song if you have the time and bandwidth:
If you're using Firefox, you need to do this to hear the Panties:
1. Open Quicktime Player
2. Go to "Edit -> Preferences -> Quicktime Preferences"
3. Go to the Browser tab and click the MIME Settings button.
4. Enable MP3 files.
5. Click OK and refresh We & The Bean